Best practices,
in every meeting.

Witnessing a watershed moment in the history of workplace communications

7.7 trillion minutes — that is the rate at which we consume video communications annually worldwide

Meetings have now taken their place among the archivable sources of information in enterprise communications

This time it’s different

True paradigm shifts are rare, and when they do happen, they bring along both chaos and opportunity

The communications infrastructure of your business is now one of the most essential tools to manage risk and gain an edge over your competition




What people say of Wise

“I just don't see why anybody in a sales position wouldn't be interested in having this technology available to them.”

— Director, Electronic Sales & Trading, Société Générale CIB

“Easy to use the product, did what I expected. Great value potential with insider trading or other prohibited conversations.”

— Equity Derivatives Trader, Morgan Stanley

“Transaction errors are part of our every day life, handled manually, and this could reduce the cost to the firm from them.”

— Relationship Manager, UBS


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